Powder Flame Spray Gun | Powder Flame Spray Gun Manufacturers in India | Powder Flame Spray Gun Supplier in India | Powder Flame Spray Gun Price in India
The benefit of the powder flame spray gun process is that the coatings are prepared for almost immediate use with no drying times and the no risk of breaking the component. Flame spray systems can regularly manually run, semi-automated, or fully-automated the method if required. The Powder Flame Spray process works a comparable technique as the Wire flame spray gun method, but that the wire feedstock is replaced by a powder.
The main benefit of this method is that a much wider variety of materials (such as nickel or cobalt-based self Fixing composites or ceramic substances) can be easily treated into powder form providing a greater choice of coatings. Many compounds are difficult or cannot be presented in a wire form and for this purpose, it was produced.
Powder Flame Spray Gun 6PS-II
The 6 PS -II is often used with either acetylene or hydrogen as the fuel gas. Hydrogen is suggested when spraying finer powder materials. A siphon plug system mixes the fuel and oxygen gases in precise volumetric proportions at the gun to supply consistent operation and prevents the possibility of backfire. Two siphon plugs are provided – a regular plug used with the bulk of spray materials and a second designed for high spray rate operations with ceramic and self-bonding materials. Air caps supplied with the gun appropriately shape the flame for various applications.
The standard air cap, used for many coatings, provides divergent gun cooling air which will not interfere with the flame or spray stream. A reversible air cap can be used to create a parallel airflow to cool down the work piece or as a convergent pinch airflow to be used with fine materials, to extend the spray efficiency of certain materials, like carbides, or to get cleaner, brighter coatings produced from self-fluxing alloys.
The specially designed high-performance nozzle accelerates spray powders efficiently by feeding the powders directly into the flame center of the gun & gives the consistent deposition efficiency for various spraying.
Features of Powder Flame Spray Gun
· High deposit efficiency, dense coatings.
· Sprays ceramics and metals powder materials.
· Simple to use, Suitable for spray/fuse coatings.
· Optional remote powder feeder.
· Cost-effective.
· Application of Powder Flame Spray Gun
· Self-fluxing alloys for extreme wear applications.
· Glass mold plungers.
· Steel mill table rolls.
· Spray/fused coatings.
Powder Flame Spray Gun Manufacturers in India
We are a manufacturer of flame spray guns, Wire flame spray guns, Metal Spray Gun, Thermal Spray Gun, & Spare Parts. Flame spray gun and Metalizing Gun price is low with the finest quality. Our Flame Spray Coating & Metal Spray Gun Equipments is permanent and simple to use and low maintenance. All these are using in Coating so it’s also called Flame Spray Coating Equipment. We are the Largest Manufacturer of Wire Flame Gun.
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